Kyriaki D. Zafeiroudi's paper selected as the best paper of NLIWoD4 🎊

Testing a Knowledge Inquiry System on Question Answering Tasks to appear in NLIWoD4!

Testing a Knowledge Inquiry System on Question Answering Tasks
Question-Answering systems enable users to retrieve answers to factual questions from various kinds of knowledge sources, but do not address how to respond cooperatively. We present InK, an initial inquiry system for RDF knowledge graphs that aims to return relevant responses, even when an answer cannot be found. It assembles knowledge relevant to the entities mentioned in the question without translating the input question into a query language. A user study indicates responses are found to be intelligible and relevant. Evaluation of questions with known answers gives high recall of 0.70 averaged on three QA datasets.

We recently learned the amazing news that it was selected for the Best Paper Award and we couldn't be happier! 

Stay tuned for the published paper in the Workshop's Proceedings by the end of summer.

Find more about Kyriaki's work here.


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