Penn State Symposium for Teaching & Learning with Technology

Our professor, Rebecca J. Passonneau, is going to give a presentation at the annual Penn State Symposium for Teaching & Learning with Technology!

The Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) is an annual one-day event to showcase ways that technology can be used to enhance teaching, learning, and research. This year's Symposium is taking place on Saturday, March 17, 2018 at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center. During the Symposium, Becky Passonneau is going to present PyrEval, a Software for Automatic Evaluation of Ideas of Students' Summaries.

Summarization has been shown to help students improve reading and writing. Students learn to summarize through practice and feedback, but teachers cannot always give students revision feedback. They lack tools that can automatically assess summary content. PyrEval provides an objective content assessment for a particular summarization task, given 4 or 5 model summaries as exemplars. It has the potential for use in guiding student revisions, or reporting to the teacher on class performance. This presentation will elicit audience feedback on how to present the output of PyrEval in a form that can be useful pedagogically.

The presentation will take place at 10:00 am in Room 208.

Becky Passonneau is also a speaker for the panel Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Using Data Science to Support Student Learning.

Most of us interact with applications every day that leverage data science, including things like Netflix, Facebook, Youtube, and Amazon. While we're accustomed to using these applications regularly, the permeation of data science in our educational lives are relatively shallow. Our panelists all have experience leveraging data science techniques to support student learning. We'll hear about some of the projects from each panelist, and discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The panel will take place at 10:45 am in Room 206.

Find the 2018 Symposium complete schedule here.


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